Agra, May 30 : With one more death the number of victims succumbing to the Covid-19 in Agra has gone up to 39, health officials said on Saturday.
District magistrate P.N.
Singh said with five new cases, the total number of coronavirus cases has gone up to 887, out of which 783 have recovered and discharged.
The SN Medical College, meanwhile is gearing up to broad-base and streamline the medical infrastructure to cope with the possible surge in the number of cases in June and July.
New wards for Covid-19 patients and new passage ways for the medics Have been opened.
Divisional commissioner Anil Kumar said those in quarantine would be penalised if they were found violating the restrictions.
District authorities were drawing up plans for opening up markets and facilities after Monday.
In many areas shopkeepers have started cleaning up their establishments and carrying out repair and maintenance.
Late Friday evening's storm with heavy showers has ransacked and devastated not only urban areas but also the rural hinterland which reported three deaths and injuries to dozens.
High velocity wind, 124 km per hour lashed the city for more than two hours, uprooting trees and hoardings.
Roads were blocked and power supply disrupted till midnight in many areas of the city. The sky remains overcast and more showers are expected on Saturday bringing the temperature down.
Source: IANS