3rd COVID wave: US doctors impart online training to J’khand docs

Ranchi, July 4 : Specialised doctors from University of California at Los Angeles, University of Texas and University of Illinois, USA, on Sunday imparted online training to several hundred Jharkhand doctors on critical care, preparation of Pediatric Intensive Care Units and treatment protocols to combat a possible third Covid wave and outbreak of the virus in children.

Those attending the webinar were pediatricians working in state-run medical college and hospitals, district hospitals, malnutrition treatment centres, Special New Born Care Units, New Born Stabilisation Units, physicians and pediatricians to be posted in the upcoming 28 new Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) all over Jharkhand.

The webinar titled 'International PICU and Critical Care Training Symposium', was organised by Women Doctors Wing, Indian Medical Association(IMA), Jharkhand in association with Department of Health and family welfare, governemnt of Jharkhand.

The webinar was inaugurated by Banna Gupta, Jharkhand Health Minister of.

Welcoming the guests, Dr Bharti Kashyap, chairperson, Women Doctors Wing, IMA Jharkhand said that this was the first time that such an international webinar has been arranged where specialists from top medical colleges in USA would share their insights and perspectives on combating a possible third Covid wave that is projected to hit several lakh children in Jharkhand.

Providing vital inputs and procedural skills to Jharkhand doctors were Dr Yonca Bulut, Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Critical Care, Department of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Dr Ravi Kashyap, Associate Clinical Professor, University of Illinois College of Medicine, USA and Dr Pooja Kashyap, Pediatric Cardiologist, Director of Adult Congenital Program and Assistant Professor, University of Texas, USA.

Dr Bharti Kashyap urged that respiratory ailments and heart problems in children caused by Covid infection be also brought under the Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Scheme, to provide relief to low income groups.

"It is very necessary to set up state-of-the-art common pathological labs, capable of delivering diagnostic test results in the shortest possible time be set up for each cluster of 3 to 4 pediatric ICUs, to ensure speedy diagnosis, prompt treatment and care for all Covid-affected children," Dr Kashyap said.



Source: IANS