New Delhi/Mumbai, June 23 : Rural India administered 63.68 per cent of the total vaccinations carried out on Monday (June 21), the first day when the revised vaccination guidelines came into force.
Out of the total vaccine doses administered on the day, 56.09 lakh vaccines were given from rural vaccination centres, while the urban areas recorded vaccination of 31.9 lakh people.
Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog, in a statement released on Wednesday, informed that particular emphasis has been given on rural coverage of vaccination.
"The rural coverage is intense and in a good proportion. The vaccination numbers from Monday (June 21, 2021) were almost in proportion to the rural-urban population division in the country.
It proves that it is possible to take the vaccination drive to the rural and remote areas."
Paul further informed that 71 per cent of the vaccination centres are in rural areas.
He also said no glitches were seen in the CoWIN platform while administering such a huge number of vaccine doses (88.09 lakh) on Monday.
"A total of 92 per cent vaccine doses were administered from government centres on June 21, 2021," he said.
Paul noted that 46 per cent of those who received vaccine were women, while around 53 per cent were men.
"We need to rectify this gender-imbalance in all places where it exists. We need to bring more women forward for getting vaccinated."
Source: IANS