71 Bangladeshis return home from Beirut

Dhaka, Aug 13 : A C-130J transport aircraft of Bangladesh Air Force -- carrying 71 repatriated Bangladeshi nationals from Lebanon -- returned home on Wednesday after handing over humanitarian and 'Goodwill Aid' of nine tonnes of food items, two tonnes of medicines (and) medical supplies as relief assistance to the victims of the horrific explosion in Beirut on August 4.

The mission consisting of a 12-member Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) crew, was led by Group Captain Santanu Chowdhury, ACSC, PSC, GD(P) of BAF.

The mission was conducted under the guidance of Chief of Air Staff of BAF, Air Chief Marshal Masihuzzaman Serniabat, BBP, OSP, NDU, PSC, according to a press release of the Inter Services Public Relations Directorate (ISPR).

Bangladesh ambassador to Lebanon Major General Md Jahangir Al Mustahidur Rahman handed over the 'Goodwill aid' to the nominated local representative of the Lebanese government, said Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen to IANS .

The officials of Lebanese Defence Ministry, UNIFIL and Embassy officials were present.

The embassy also urged all to inform it through its hotline number if they come to know of any more casualties.

Around 1,50,000 B'desh nationals work in a number of sectors in Lebanon.

BAF has always been providing air transport services to carry relief and humanitarian assistance to the victims of any disaster in the friendly countries as per the guidance of the Government of Bangladesh on an emergency basis, the statement said.

In line with this, emergency relief and medical supplies, a physician and a technical team to assess the real scenario of the damaged Naval ship, were sent to Lebanon last Sunday as humanitarian assistance to help the affected Bangladeshi expats, local people of Lebanon and members of Bangladesh Navy deployed in UN peacekeeping operations in Beirut.



Source: IANS