Ranveer Singh will be seen playing the role of Kapil Dev in Kabir Khan’s directorial ’83. The team recently wrapped up their 3-months long shooting schedule in London and are finally back to the bay. The team is all set to begin their last schedule in Mumbai that will last for all of 3 weeks. While the team was ecstatic on finishing the schedule on time, they are even more excited to be shooting in the city.
Director Kabir Khan says that the entire team will be shooting on and off throughout this schedule. The team has built an elaborate set to match the locations that no longer exist in the interiors of London. While they have completed the match’s bit in London, the three-week schedule in the city will only revolve around covering what happened in the country when the team won the cup. Kabir Khan even explained how it took over a month for the makeup team to get Ranveer’s look right for the film. He couldn’t possibly be wearing a lot of prosthetics while playing cricket. So it was important for them to make sure that Ranveer played cricket while in the look.
’83 is slated to release on April 10, 2020 with an elaborate cast that includes Deepika Padukone, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Pankaj Tripathi, Boman Irani, and Saqib Saleem among the others.
Also Read: Kabir Khan says they’ve achieved more than they planned in Ranveer Singh starrer ’83