The young and bright Sara Ali Khan was as usual brimming with enthusiasm when she posted pictures on social media showing her celebrating Ganesh Chaturvedi. Little did she know she would be trolled for her festive joy and pulled up for celebrating a Hindu festival despite being a Muslim.
While Sara has bravely responded to the trolls with a stoic silence a close family friend of the Khans expresses grave concern at this naked display of intolerance. “Sara’s family is the portrait of secularism. Her paternal grandmother Sharmila Tagore is a Hindu who was very happily married to a Muslim. All the festivals are celebrated with equal enthusiasm in their household. Saif Ali Khan is married to the (Hindu) Kareena Kapoor. He attends religious functions at home and his sasural,” says the family friend.
“Saif and Amrita Singh’s children have been brought up to believe in whatever God they want to believe in. Why try to slot her into prejudiced corners by people who specialize in spreading hatred?” asks the family friend.
When I asked some important voices in the film fraternity to comment on Sara Ali Khan’s severe trolling (including a fatwa!) they chose to remain mum except actress-activist Renuka Shahane who said, “Trolls need to get real jobs. Any person in our country, celebrity or otherwise has a right to celebrate any festival he or she wants. One shouldn't be narrow minded and petty about it.”