Actor Amitabh Bachchan in his career spanning 50 years has done several films and is always trying to experiment with his role. The actor will soon be making his Marathi debut. The first poster of the film AB aani CD and he looks every bit the superstar he is.
In the film, Amitabh Bachchan plays himself. The film’s poster features Vikram in the same get-up as seen in Amitabhji’s famous song Saara Zamana from the film Yaraana. The film focuses on the bond of friendship between Amitabh and Vikram. The film is about two school friends who meet almost 70 years for a birthday party. AB stands for Amitabh Bachchan and CD for Gokhale’s character, who is called Chandrakant Deshpande.
Milind Lele has written and directed the film. The film also stars Subodh Bhave, Sayali Sanjeev, and Akshay Tanksale and is scheduled to release in December.