Sidharth Malhotra has been working on his next film Shershaah which is a biopic on Captain Vikram Batra. The actor and the entire crew has been shooting in Kargil for a while now. As it turns out, the actor had suffered injuries from a bike accident while shooting in Kargil.
One of the days after the shoot, Sidharth Malhotra and co-actor Shiv Pandit ventured off on bikes when Shiv lost his balance and slipped off his bike. Sidharth, who was driving behind him, had to apply brakes immediately due to which his bike skidded and they suffered injuries. Nothing major occurred since they were wearing helmets and safety gears. But, Sidharth did have leg and hand injuries. Both Shiv and Sidharth were taken to the army hospital.
Since it was shoot day and with a crew of 150 people in the attendance, Sidharth Malhotra shot on Sunday and Monday was his day of rest. The actor had to shoot a pivotal scene for which a huge set was built. Speaking of his accident, the actor said such accidents happen. Since the film is being made on a big scale, he didn't have time to recover. He further added that it could have been worse but he will recover in a few days.
Shooting in Kargil has been surreal for the actor, Sidharth Malhotra said that they have explored and shot at Virgin locations to keep the authenticity of the war. They shot at mountains very similar to the actual locations and the team made sure about safety as well.
Shershaah is set for 2020 release.