Aamir Khan is all set to bring the Indian adaptation of Hollywood flick, Forrest Gump on the big screen next Christmas. The film, which originally starred Tom Hanks, was critically acclaimed and won several accolades. For Lal Singh Chaddha, Aamir Khan has been prepping hard and shed 20 kilos. With his team working nonstop, it's been learnt that he is set to shoot at 100 different locations in India.
As per reports, Aamir Khan isn't too fond of huge setups. Instead, they will be shooting at 100 different locations in India which has never been done before. He will shoot in Delhi, Gujarat, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad among other states. The script demands to showcase his character's journey. The process has begun and for the next one and half months, he will finalize the locations. The film will span from his childhood to the 50s. The film is set to go on floor on November 1, 2019.
Aamir Khan's Lal Singh Chaddha is being directed by Advait Chandan. It is releasing on Christmas 2020.