It's celebration time for the Kapoor fam! Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor are back to Mumbai from New York after nearly a year. The veteran actor is doing well, and is ready to dive into work again. For now, he's been mingling with friends and family members he missed for all these days. To top it, Ranbir Kapoor's birthday is round the corner. All this calls for a celebration, doesn't it?
Guess who has taken up the responsibility? None other than Alia Bhatt. Alia, being the sweetheart that she is, accompanied Ranbir a number of times, and flew to NY to meet the parents. Now, it's upon her to create the most perfect birthday plan for beau Ranbir. But it's not just that. We hear it's going to be double celebration as the family is planning to celebrate Rishi Kapoor's homecoming as well. And why not? It's almost like a fresh beginning for him. Both the parties will be merged. We're to see what Alia's brainstorming results in! 28th September is the day.
For now, the actor is occupied filming for father Mahesh Bhatt's Sadak 2. She was also seen making a scintillating presence at this year's IIFA ceremony!