The ill-fated beleaguered Karan Johar-Sushant Singh Rajput project Drive has finally found a release. After several false starts and postponed release dates Drive, directed by Tarun Mansukhani (who once upon a time directed Dostana for Karan Johar’s production house) is now looking at an early release on Netflix.
The date is yet to be firmed in. But a source close to Dharma Productions reveals, “Karan Johar could not afford to take the risk of a theatrical release for Drive after the double debacle in 2019 of Kalank and Student Of The Year 2. Karan made every effort to spruce up the film, give it a slick spin and release in in theatres. But it was too risky. He had decided to shelve it when Netflix came forward to buy and stream Drive as part of their long-term deal with Karan Johar and Dharma Production.”
Drive will see Sushant and Jacqueline Fernandez together for the first time. They both play car-racing drivers. Apparently Sushant has done a nude scene in Drive which would have been problematic had the film been released theatrically. Now on Netflix, viewers can enjoy all of Sushant, uncensored.