Last week, Yash Raj Films issued a diktat to all three-screen, four-screen and five-screen multiplexes, specifying the number of shows to be allocated to War. Sye Raa Narsimha Reddy being distributed by Anil Thadani who while distributing Saaho had asked the above multiplexes to allocate him maximum shows for Sye Raa Narsimha Reddy as well, else he would not screen Saaho at their plexes.
However, these exhibitors had put a caveat that they would follow the trends of the national multiplex chains during screen allocation between War and Sye Raa Narsimha Reddy. According to the latest information provided by our trusted sources, two-screen multiplexes have allocated one show to Sye Raa, three-screen multiplexes have allocated two shows, and four-screen multiplexes have assigned three shows while the lion’s share has been taken up by War.
Dream Girl and Chhichhore have emerged the biggest casualties of War and Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy in three-screen, four-screen and five-screen multiplexes. Both these films will be discontinued from tomorrow while they will retain a minuscule presence in leading multiplex chains.
While the screen count is still being finalized, War has an approximate screen count of 4000.