Ever since a face-off between Tiger Shroff and Hrithik Roshan was announced, fans could hardly contain their excitement. War released on October 2, and bagged as much as Rs 53 crore on its opening day itself! With the festive season on, we can only hope for it to run stronger. However, there might be a trouble in the makers' paradise as War got leaked online, just on its second day after its release.
As per reports, an HD version of the film is available on the infamous piracy platform TamilRockers. In the past, innumerable of big films including Saaho, Judgementall Hai Kya, Kabir Singh, Bharat, India's Most Wanted, Kalank, Gully Boy, De De Pyaar De, Student of the Year 2 and Thugs of Hindostan have fallen into the big bad trap of piracy, thanks to TamilRockers. While the site is officially banned, users can still access it using proxy servers.
Incidentally, a day prior to the release, Hrithik took to Twitter and requested everyone to not give out spoilers. 'Hi Guys! I have a personal request to make. We have made #WAR with a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and love. Please protect our spoilers when you see the film because it will immensely add to everyone’s movie watching experience. Trusting you all with this, ' he wrote.
Hi Guys! I have a personal request to make. We have made #WAR with a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and love. Please protect our spoilers when you see the film because it will immensely add to everyone’s movie watching experience. Trusting you all with this.
— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) October 1, 2019
Reportedly, South release Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy is also a victim of piracy already.
Also Read: War actor Tiger Shroff says he wants to work with Kriti Sanon, latter responds