Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan are constantly shooting and working, but despite their hectic schedules, they make sure to spend some time with their son, Taimur Ali Khan. The trio is usually spotted spending quality time on their quick getaways every once in a while. With Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan being on their toes for their respective projects, it does get difficult for them to spend time.
However, in a recent interview, Bebo spoke about how important it is for Taimur to spend time with his parents where they are not known or they are not working. As a family, it is of great importance for them to make sure Taimur stays out of the limelight as much as possible, but they are well aware that it is not really possible while they’re in India.
Bebo will next be seen in Takht, Angrezi Medium, Good Newwz, and Lal Singh Chaddha.
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