There has been a lot of speculation whether Ranveer Singh has a cameo in the rumoured Sanjay Leela Bhansali film starring Alia Bhatt. It has been reported that Ranveer chose not to do the cameo which has apparently led to Alia getting miffed. However, we can give you the accurate information that Ranveer was never in this particular project, to begin with so all this is just pure conjecture! It does sound like rumour mills got this information wrong big time!
A well-placed industry source says, “Alia’s film with Sanjay Leela Bhansali has never had Ranveer in the mix. So, there is no question of him doing a cameo in this project. SLB and Ranveer are the most loved, most successful and most acclaimed director-actor combinations of this era - the trade and audience are waiting in anticipation to know when they will join forces again.“
Sanjay and Ranveer have given three blockbusters - Ram Leela, Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat. Well, we certainly are eagerly waiting for this to come true as Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Ranveer Singh have given us all some of the best films in recent years.