Tweeple react to Oxfam’s new study ‘Time to Care’

New Delhi, Jan 20 : Twitterati reacted after Rights group Oxfam on Monday released the study 'Time to Care' in Davos ahead of the 50th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum.

In the report, Oxfam said the combined total wealth of 63 Indian billionaires is higher than the total Union Budget of India for the fiscal year 2018-19 which was at Rs 24,42,200 crore.

The report also stated that the India's top 1 per cent of the population holds over four times the amount of wealth held by 953 million people or the bottom 70 per cent of the population.

Once this news came out, social media has been abuzz with reactions.

A user on the micro-blogging site Twitter wrote: "The only way to #fightinequality is for people to stand up (and) participate in democracy.

The world's richest 2,153 people control more wealth than the world's poorest 4.6 billion combined according to #Oxfam."

Another post read, "I wonder what is rich people gonna do with all the money."

"If every rich person starts donating 10% of his money to poor than one day there will be no poor remain at least in india.

Rich wants to become more rich that led to the situation that poor became more poor...." wrote another user.

A Tweeple remarked, "1% richest Indians have more wealth than 70% of the country's population.

Very shocking. Women being the least benefited in terms of wealth and earnings."



Source: IANS