New Delhi, Jan 31 : A day after a minor opened fired at protesting students near Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said while his party is giving pen and computers, the other party is giving guns and hate to students and urged parents to decide on February 8 what their choice would be.
Along with the tweet in Hindi, Kejriwal tagged a video in which a Delhi Government school student is seen addressing an IT-Tech conference.
"We have given pens and computers in the hands of children and dreams of entrepreneurship in their eyes! They are giving guns and hate.
What do you want to give to your children? Will tell on 8 Feb!," he said.
The Aam Aadmi Party on Thursday had alleged that the minor who opened fire was given protection by the BJP as the police did not act on time while he was walking with a gun.
Source: IANS