Chandigarh, April 13 : Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Monday said that 1,113 people were tested for coronavirus in the hill state, of which 32 have tested positive so far.
At present, there are only 15 active cases, including 13 connected to the Tablighi Jamaat.
Twelve patients have been cured, four moved out of the state, and one succumbed to the virus.
Interacting with his Cabinet colleagues and party's legislators and parliamentarians, Thakur said coronavirus cases have been reported from five districts -- maximum 14 from Una, Solan nine, Chamba and Kangra four each and Sirmaur one.
He said representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions, and urban and local bodies have been involved to provide essential commodities to the people during the lockdown.
Thakur said effective steps were taken by the state to trace the travel history of those connected to Tablighi Jamaat and their contacts to mitigate the impact of coronavirus.
State BJP President Rajeev Bindal appreciated the government efforts to check the spread of the virus in Himachal.
Source: IANS