100 days and working 24X7 – Kerala’s Covid-19 control room

Thiruvananthapuram, May 2 : Kerala Health Minister K.K. Shailaja on Saturday applauded the Covid-19 Control room for completing 100 days of services. "This started on January 24, and after 100 days, it has done a massive job in tackling the Covid-19. As many as 18 committees are working round the clock to ensure that everything is in place as the state battles the deadly virus," said Shailaja.

It's in this control room that all the data starting with the coronavirus positives and the suspects are collated.

Based on the data, the requirement of PPE kits and medicines is decided. Another important job that it does is facilitate contact tracing, a very crucial aspect in containing the spread of the virus.

Operating from the office of the Directorate of health services in the state capital, there are a over 100 professionals, including doctors, health professionals and others, actively involved in tackling every aspect related to Covid-19.

"The first case in Kerala was reported in the country on January 30, but this control room opened on January 24th.

Our strength lay in our experience as to how we handled the Nipah outbreak and the floods in 2018," said Shailaja.

"There are 18 different committees plus others at the district level.

Each committee is headed by a nodal officer who coordinates everything. Every day there are review meetings which take stock of what happened the previous day and plans for the next day," said Shailaja.

The facts and figures arrived at in this control room are passed on to the media in a daily bulletin.

"The control room remains in touch with various hospitals every day," said Shailaja.



Source: IANS