Markets in Agra open but customers reluctant to move out

Agra, June 9 : Such is the level of scare from Covid-19 that though malls and bazaars in Agra are now open, customers are reluctant to move out of their homes.

The Covid-19 has definitely given a big boost to home delivery services.

"From medicines to vegetables and grocery items, we now prefer to get our supplies at home. It is too much of a hassle to stand in long queues maintaining social distancing," says senior citizen Sudhir Gupta of Vijay Nagar Colony.

The food supply chains are already in business. "Indeed, digitalisation has helped a lot. Life without internet is difficult to imagine now," adds retired government officer Shravan Singh.

Though no firm date has been announced for opening of the historical monuments, the 500 odd big and budget hotels have started preparations and are gradually gearing up to reopen.

Training and maintenance work is in full swing in the star hotels.

Meanwhile, the number of deaths due to Covid in Agra now stands at 51, while 13 new cases were added till Tuesday morning taking the tally to 980.

District magistrate P.N. Singh said 822 patients have recovered and the number of active cases now is at 107. So far 15,260 samples had been taken for testing.

Health department officials said investigation teams were conducting extensive screening in the urban clusters.

In the rural areas, monitoring committees and Asha workers were keeping a track of all new arrivals in the villages.

The SN Medical College hospital has drawn up a plan to add more facilities and beds and gear up for the surge, if any, in the number of cases till June end.

The district authorities have decided to extend home quarantine regime to milder cases, under supervision of the health department.

Details will be announced in a day or two.

Members of the IMA and private medical practitioners said, the number of cases going up indicated that the lockdown was not very effective in some areas, and the recent relaxations appeared to make people complacent towards precautions.

Police officials however clarified that the guidelines for bazaars, malls, hotels and places of worship were being strictly followed and the violators were being penalised.



Source: IANS