Plight of man with comorbidity in Covid times

Thiruvananthapuram, June 25 : The Covid pandemic appears to have taken a heavy toll and among the worst affected are those living with comorbidities.

All above 65, those with liver, cancer, heart, lung, kidney, diabetes, immune compromised and those receiving immune modulators have been asked to remain indoors, as part of the reverse quarantine protocols.

Studies reveal 60 per cent recipients of organ transplant face depression.

Expressing his ire, helplessly, was a leading plastic surgeon who underwent renal transplant three years back at the age of 45 but fought back his emotions and pointed out, this is nw universal law, for all people alike from watchmen to businessmen and barristers to ministers.

This surgeon is now holed up at his house in the state capital since the last week of March.

He told IANS that he hopes to be return to work by August as by then he would be fully 'burned' out as every month he has a medicine bill alone of around Rs 20,000 besides have three children.

His wife is a small time entrepreneur and has her own business and if not for her, he acknowledges that he would not have survived through the renal transplant and the months that he was convalescing and even now.

"I do acknowledge that as of now these are goodwill measures and not imposed dictum but even these goodwill talks have a huge psychological impact on our already heavily doubtful and anxious minds? Though designed for our safety, they notoriously feed disappointment and insecurity among all who are in the same 'boat' as me," said the surgeon, who did not wished to be identified.

"If we pose no added peril to the society, if we catch the virus no more than anyone else, if the only point of concern is our health and nothing more..then don't you think, my friends, it's more right to let us choose what makes us the happiest," lamented the surgeon.

He ended by saying, the next time you call up a friend labelled as one with a mild to severe co-morbidity, please make it a point to say, "Do what your gut says, it's risky to go out there and work but it's better to do so if remaining passive is hell for your heart..Do what lights your fire," rather than mechanically going by the sway of logic and muttering "Stay at home, that's best for you," said the surgeon.



Source: IANS