Gandhinagar, May 6 : The division bench of the Gujarat High Court has reprimanded the Gujarat government for not taking a "serious note" of its orders passed on real-time hospital bed availability during a hearing held over the second wave of Covid-19 in the state.
"We are pained at the approach by the state government and the Corporation.
Orders passed by this Court are being completely ignored. For the last three orders, we have been mentioning this issue of real-time updates. But till today (Tuesday), nothing has been done by the State or the Corporation," the division bench of Chief Justice Vikram Nath and Justice Bhargav D.
Karia observed on Wednesday.
The bench was dissatisfied with the submission by Advocate Mihir Joshi, appearing for the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) that the Ahmedabad Hospitals (and) Nursing Homes Association website updated data on hospital bed availability twice a day and was linked with the AMC's official website.
"This is only twice a day, not on real time basis.
Whereas other corporations that are much smaller than AMC have real-time data available on their websites.
Why is Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation lagging behind?
"We have been wanting a dashboard with complete information of all the hospitals on a real time basis.
As and when a patient is admitted, that vacancy will go as occupied. As soon as a patient is discharged, a vacancy will be added."
The High Court bench insisted that updated information should be available at one place and patients should not be made to run from one hospital to another.
The Gujarat High Court on Wednesday in its order said the steps taken by the state government to contain the spread of Covid-19 were not enough in the present situation and further restrictions needed to be imposed while keeping in mind the welfare of people at large.
Chief Justice Vikram Nath during the hearing on Tuesday stated: "The centralised system was such a big failure.
People were waiting for 108 Ambulance for 48 hours. There were queues of your ambulances outside your hospitals."
In its order, the court also directed the government to disclose the true and correct data with regard to coronavirus testing facilities available in each town and PHCs (primary health centres) so that people could undergo RT-PCR test at the earliest.
The court directed the Gujarat government to provide clear and transparent data on the availability of RT-PCR testing facilities during the next hearing scheduled on May 11.
The bench also asked the government to provide data on distribution of oxygen and the future plans to augment its supply from alternative sources as well as date-wise demand and supply of the life-saving gas for the past two weeks and future.
The court in its order directed the government to provide details with regard to the Remdesivir injections received from the Central government that was distributed to various districts, as against the demand received from each district/hospital for the last 15 days.
Source: IANS