Mumbai, May 21 : Actor Gurmeet Choudhary, who has been actively helping people find resources as India battles the second wave of Covid-19, says it takes two to three hours to gather what is needed, though fans have been helpful in his mission.
"Currently, the situation in the nation is quite critical.
I have been getting a lot of requests for oxygen cylinders, beds and vaccine. My team and I are trying our best to solve each problem and it is not an easy journey. For each request we take at least two to three hours to cater to the need," he told IANS.
The actor says fans are helping him out.
"My fans have played an important role too in helping me in this mission against Covid.
Once we get a request, we collectively start working towards it. Through networking, we try to help the patient as soon as we can. I truly believe that it's not just me. It's a united effort that goes in helping a person," he says.
The actor says the times are tough but he is able to help out because people know him as an actor.
"Due to the celebrity factor, people take me seriously and that helps make the process quicker.
We are currently at the level where the population is high and we don't have enough resources to cater to them.
So, I am trying hard not only to build a better present but also to prepare ourselves for a bright future, especially in the health care system," he says, who launched a makeshift hospital in Nagpur for Covid patients earlier this month.
"Recently, when I visited Nagpur for my on-ground activity to help patients and launch a Covid dedicated hospital, I realised that everyone is doing their bit in some way be or other, be it NGOs or doctors or nurses or my on-ground team.
Everyone is working towards one goal of fighting this virus," he says.
He adds: "I also want to give special mention to my family and my wife Debina.
At a time when we all fear to step out, my family has supported me in this journey."
Meanwhile, he has launched a free teleconsultation service for Covid patients who are isolated at home.
"When I started this campaign, I realised that maximum requests came to me with anxiety and panic.
Yes, Covid is surely a deadly virus but fear is a greater one. Many people who were experiencing mild symptoms were panicking and immediately trying to book a bed in the nearest hospitals thereby reducing the chance of a serious patient.
So, the idea to start this collaboration was to minimise the fear in people's mind," he says.
Source: IANS