Patna, May 26 : The election cell of BJP in Bihar has decided to deploy block level agents (BLA) and Saptrishis to provide assistance to Corona-infected patients at the village level.
A virtual meeting with district presidents chaired by Radhika Raman, the state convener of election cell, was held on Wednesday in which he asked all BLAs and Saptrishis to visit every house at village level and provide necessary help to Corona victims.
"Our booth level workers gather data on corona victims in their respective jurisdictions and point out their requirements that could help bring the lives of victims and their dependents on track," Raman said.
"The second wave of ongoing corona infection is extremely painful.
Many persons have lost their loved ones during the pandemic. We will provide food, medicines, clothes, and other financial help. They will also create awareness among villagers to go for vaccination. We provided help to one crore people during the first wave of Corona last year," Raman said.
The BJP has 57,800 BLAs and 73,000 Saptrishis in all.
Sidhartha Sambhu, the general secretary of BJP Bihar said: "The indigenous corona vaccines are 99.9% effective and only a few people are getting side effects after vaccination."
Source: IANS