Bhubaneswar, Aug 15 : Odia film actor Sabyasachi Mishra, who has been at the forefront of helping people since the onset of Covide-19 pandemic early last year, has shared his opinion to build "a stronger New India" and experience with IANS.
Q: How do you want to see New India?
Ans: Apart from natural resources, India's biggest asset and strength are its youth.
But, we somehow fail to properly utilise the youth power. The youths starting from teenage to 30 plus, should be brought into the right path so that they can play a major role in our nation building.
Young age is the most powerful period of someone's life and one can able to dare to fulfil all his/her aspirations during this time.
So, it should be utilised to build a powerful nation. In my opinion, Indian youths should be the driving force of our New India.
Q: You have been helping a lot of people during the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic situation.
What prompted you to enter into this philanthropy service?
Ans: I am an actor and I am receiving a lot of love and affection from the people.
I have been connected with my fans and people, who love me, through various social media. Usually, we were using social media for our promotions. But, when the Covid pandemic appeared, people started posting various requests and SOS messages on those platforms and I had no work in my hand at that time as all were shut down.
I thought let me try to help them. I attempted and succeeded, which gave me immense pleasure. Day by day, the number of requests increased and simultaneously various government officials, police, doctors, my fans and volunteers joined me.
Q: How do you manage funds and resources for tending the services?
Ans: Yes it is true that funds are needed for such social services.
However, with the blessing of God, till now, I have been able to do it with my own resources and support from my family, friends and well wishers and no public funds raised.
Sometimes, I pay from my own savings while at other times, my friend or others are helping. It also happened that volunteers and my fans tendered the services to the needy people without my knowledge also.
Q: In your opinion, what should be done for the development of the film industry in India?
Ans: At present, the Covid pandemic has very badly affected the film industry.
A lot of steps need to be taken for its revival. The base or foundation of the movie industry is the cinema halls or movie talkies. The OTT and digital platforms cannot be the substitute of cinema halls. So, steps should be first taken for revival of all cinema halls, those were there prior to Covid. In big cities and towns, the owner or franchisee may be able to reopen the multiplexes, but in rural areas, a lot of effort is needed.
The government and all stakeholders should join hands for complete revival of the industry.
Q What is your message to today's youth?
Ans: As I said the youths should engage themselves as the striking force of India.
They should not be diverted to the anti-social path, which is killing our society. They should work hard for realising the dreams of their parents and make India the better place of living in the universe.
Source: IANS