Pakistan’s miscalculations in Afghanistan exposed

Kabul, Sep 7 : In the fast changing scenario in Afghanistan, where differences continue to prevail among senior Taliban leaders on government formation and the security situation continuing to remain fragile, the visit by the ISI DG to Afghanistan and the tacit Pak support to the Taliban in the conflict in Panjshir has led to realisation among ordinary Afghan people about the intrusive role of Pakistan in the war-torn nation.

In a show of opposition to Pakistan, some groups of people took to the streets in Kabul on the night of September 6 and in larger numbers in the day time on Tuesday, raising slogans against Pakistan's interference and intrusive role in Afghanistan.

The protesters raised slogans such as "death to Pakistan" and "long live Panjshir" and over a period of time, a few hundred people joined the original lot.

The reaction of Taliban forces on the ground was somewhat reserved in the beginning. However, after a point, when the crowd became louder and agitated, the Taliban fired several rounds in the air to disburse the protesters.

There were reports of journalists being harassed and their cameras being taken away. There were also indications that certain sections within the Taliban were probably keen on allowing such protests to continue so as to send a signal to Pakistan about how the locals detest the intrusive Pak intervention in Afghanistan.

This would, in their view, possibly convey an indirect message to the Pakistani establishment that any Pak role in Afghanistan in the future could draw strong public ire.

Earlier, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh had also expressed reservations about any external role in the clashes between the Taliban and the Panjshir forces, ostensibly hinting at Pakistan's military support to the Taliban in the operations in Panjshir.

There is a universal understanding that the stake holders in Afghanistan should ensure that the country is not used for undertaking any activity against a third country.

Along similar lines, the well-meaning nations would not want any external intervention in Afghanistan ? politically or militarily.

Going by this measure, the activities of Pakistan in the last few days have clearly indicated that they would continue to remain active in Afghanistan, both politically and militarily, and accordingly calibrate the dynamics to suit their preferred option.



Source: IANS