Paediatric run for children to spread awareness on kidney disorders in children

New Delhi [India], Dec 7 (ANI-NewsVoir): NU Hospitals in the interest of the public, particularly the children, for the FIRST time in Karnataka organized a run to spread awareness on Kidney disorders in Children.

The driving motto "Healthy Kidneys Healthy Children" attracted over 1800 children to an active participation in the paediatric run was held on 27th Nov 2016 by NU hospitals.

This event was mainly focused for children between the age group 3 years to 16 years with a distance of 1Km to 4Km was covered based on age groups.

Not many people are aware that children can also get affected with neurological and kidney disorders and there are treatments available and most importantly identification and prevention of kidney diseases are possible.

NU hospitals are the only hospital focusing on paediatric urology which is kidney disease and urinary tract diseases and dealing with it exclusively in children.

The main focus of the Paediatric Run was to create awareness that there are various cognitive disorders or familiar problems which go unrecognized in children.

The day kick-started with numerous activities starting with registration at 6:00 am. The hospital was swarmed with an enthusiastic crowd over 3600. Zumba started from 7:30 am, it was enthralling to see the little ones trying to match the instructor's moves.

The paediatric run started at 8:00 am; early Sunday morning zeal for the run overpowered the usual Sunday laziness.

Kids finally did justice for the cause event was organised. After the run kids were provided with some refreshments, 9:30 am breakfast which continued with the distribution of goodies, certificate and medals to all the participants.

Along with this, there were other fun activities for kids like Magic show, Art and craft, Pottery, Caricature, Tattoo making, Angry bird games, Ring-a-bottle, Bowling to name a few.

Media Coverage The entire event was covered by Etv Kannada, Samaya News, Suvarna News, B Tv, Deccan Herald, The Hindu, Prajavani, RED FM-(93.5).

The event was also graced by several dignitaries such as MLA Gopaliah, Anushree- Anchor/Actress, Wanitha Ashok-Fitness Activist, Omkar- Actor, Bhadre Gowda - Corporator, Raj- RJ, Gaurav- DJ, Anamika- Red FM, Deeksha Girish (and) Tejaswani Girish- Guinness Record Holders, Addressing to Radio Listeners, Dr.

Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy (Chief Urologist, Chairman (and) Medical Director, NU Hospitals). RJ- Agenda of the race? Dr.-If you see we are the only people focusing on paediatric urology. Which are kidney disease and urinary tract diseases problems dealing with it in children exclusively and while we run itself has nothing directly related to the disease but we want to create this awareness that there is a huge amount of cognitive disorders or familiar problems which go unrecognized in children.

RJ- If I talk about NU hospitals, what are the specialization of this hospital? Dr.- This hospital deals with urinary tract diseases.

NU means NEPHRO: UROLOGY RJ- What message you would like to give to listener's of Red FM? Dr.- What we need to know is, in children if kidney's get affected it can cause permanent damage, it's not like in adults.

To more often kidney problems in children are not recognised because especially in the younger age group the symptoms are not related to urinary tract at all, they will present with something else, some weak fever, some diarrhea, they are not eating well or not putting on weight, so we would like to focus the fact that these are all indicators of probable kidney infection disease and that these needs to be looked into because this is completely preventable.

Dr. Prasanna Venkatesh (Paediatric Urologist (and) Managing Director, NU Hospitals) RJ- Agenda of the race? Dr.- "Healthy Children Healthy Kidneys" Not many people are aware that children can also get affected with neurological and kidney disorders and there is treatment available and most importantly identification and prevention of kidney diseases is possible.

RJ- And how is the response? Dr.- Yeah, the response is amazing there are more than 2000 registrations.

We are going to have different age group different distance runs, followed by lot of activities for children upto 12 'o' clock.

RJ- If I talk about NU hospitals, NU is basically specialized at? Dr.- Nephrology, Urology and fertility specialist RJ- What general message you would like to give Red fm listeners? Dr.- Most Urological and Nephrological, kidney related and urinary system related disorders are correctable they required to be identified.

No child should leak urine, No child should leak motion, seek medical health early and address it. Dr. Dilip Rangarajan (Chief Nephrologist, NU Hospitals) RJ- I can see so many registrations for the paediatric race.

Can you just tell what it is all about? Dr.- It's just about awareness, about kidney problems. The children can also get affected by the kidney problems. It's just to create general awareness that "Healthy Children Healthy Kidney" is very very important. RJ- If I talk about NU hospitals, What are the specialization of this hospital? Dr.- We have Nephrology, Urology, and Infertility.

RJ- What general Message you would like to give listener's? Dr.- Kidney problems have no age bar right from a child which is born to someone who is 90plus can get affected with kidney problems so, general regular check even for children is important doing urine examination and simple blood test to know whether kidney problem is there.


Source: ANI