New Delhi [India], Jan 11 : Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav will get Rs. 10,000 per month under the Bihar Government's JP Senani Samman Yojna, as his application was found for approval.
He will also get the due amount for the same from June 2009 till today. The state government provides a pension of Rs. 5000 per month to people who spend less than six months in jail and Rs. 10,000 to the one who remain in the prison for a year. Lalu recently filed the plea for approval of pension on his name, after around four decades he was jailed under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) at Bankipore Patna jail during the 1974 Chhatra movement for opposing Emergency imposed by former prime minister Indira Gandhi.
Application of around 3,100 people have so far been approved for the pension while around 2,500 people, was found eligible and are already getting monthly pension under the Yojna.
Source: ANI