Mumbai [India], Jan. 19 : Shah Rukh Khan has never shied away from showing his love for the fans. So how can he not meet the shoe-maker, who got inspired by a dialogue from his upcoming movie 'Raees'? Recently, the 51-year-old actor met the cobbler, Shyam Bahadur Rohidas, who has put up the dialogue, "Koi Dhandha Chota Nahi Hota Aur Dhandhe Se Bada Koi Dharam Nahi Hota" from the film, in his shop here.
According to Rohidas, this dialogue has inspired him in real life. Hailing from Sultanpur city in Uttar Pradesh, Rohidas was inspired from this hard-hitting dialogue, which in turn got him to put up a banner on the walls of his roadside shop.
The cobbler's story is both awe inspiring and heart wrenching! When SRK was asked on the same, he said, "I am very touched and very happy that people think like this and get inspired.
I am sure there are many more people, who think that no work is below dignity." Elaborating on his career choice, Rohidas said, "My Father used to work in a factory and was a part time cobbler after his work hours, I came to Mumbai for a job and that is when I learned the craft.
I have mastered the skill on my own merit despite being the son of a cobbler." Speaking further of his achievements and satisfaction derived from his work, he shares, "I have worked hard and I own a shop now.
I am my own boss and that leaves me happy and content. My work is my worship." It is heartening to know that a dialogue mouthed by SRK has the power to have an uplifting effect on people like Rohidas.
Rahul Dholakia directed 'Raees' is slated to hit the theatres on January 25..
Source: ANI