Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live, Alec Baldwin, Melissa McCarthy

New York [USA], Feb. 13 : It has been a while since SNL has continued with its 'Trump bashing' specials, and the world has enjoyed it to the core, but there is something called 'too much of a good thing and that is exactly what is making the show slightly tedious now.

Alec Baldwin who played Donald Trump and Melissa McCarthy who played White house press secretary, Sean Spicer continued to do their savage impressions mocking president's attempts to have his travel ban reinstated.

The acts were even more underwritten than before, name-checking all the controversies rather than illustrating them.

No new ideas were presented, the old ones were recycled from last week's sketches, reports The New York Times.

Most of the funnier moments from the show were mostly Trump-free. 'SNL' has really benefited by Trump's rising political fortunes. But based on the recent episode, it will be really hard if not impossible to keep this Trump bashing go on in the future.

It seems 'SNL' is the latest victim to President Trump's intention to stick his opponents into submission.

Source: ANI