EU lawmakers demand end to visa-free travel for Americans

Brussels [Belgium], Mar. 4 : The European Union (EU) Parliament has passed a nonbinding resolution calling for the reintroduction of visa requirements for American citizens as the U.S.

excludes five EU countries from its no-visa policy. In the vote on Thursday, European lawmakers demanded restrictions on American travelers unless the Trump administration lifts travel requirements for citizens of Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland and Romania, reports the New York Times.

The resolution though nonbinding is an important political signal and increases pressure on the European Commission, the bloc's executive body, to confront the new administration in Washington.

The European Parliament also warned that it could take the further step of bringing the European Commission to court if it continues not to stand up to Washington.

In the vote on Thursday, the Parliament gave the European Commission two months to take legal measures to impose visas for American travelers to the European Union unless the Americans offered reciprocity to all citizens from the bloc.

European officials in Brussels have balked at making travel to Europe more difficult for Americans, saying doing so would have an economic cost and would most likely not even resolve the hurdles facing citizens of the five affected countries.

Source: ANI