Trump delays decision on withdrawing from Paris climate accord

New York [U.S.A.], May 10 : United States President Donald Trump has delayed the decision on withdrawing from the Paris climate accord amid disagreements about the nature of the pact.

Trump will now wait until the G7 to make a decision, the White House said on Tuesday. Trump had earlier vowed during his presidential campaign to "cancel" U.S. participation in the accord. White House press secretary Sean Spicer told the media, "I think it's simply a sign that the President wants to continue to meet with his team," CNN reports.

Spicer also said that Trump had been meeting with his team "extensively" to discuss the issue. A White House official said the delay came amid scheduling conflicts. It was the second time a meeting on the Paris accord was scrubbed. Last month also, an initial conversation between aides about the future of U.S. participation in the accord was pushed back by a week. Earlier, in a conversation on Monday, Trump told French President-elect Emmanuel Macron he was "pondering" whether to remain in the Paris Climate Agreement, French Ambassador to the U.S.

Gerard Araud told CNN..

Source: ANI