Turkey PM criticises Trump’s decision to arm PKK to fight Daesh

Ankara [Turkey], May 11 : Turkey Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has criticised United States' decision to arm a Syrian offshoot of the terrorist PKK to fight Daesh in Syria.

"Any initiative to support the PKK directly or indirectly is unacceptable for us," Yildirim said, Anadolu Agency reports.

Yildirim added Washington was well aware of Ankara being against using the PKK terror group to eradicate Daesh in Syria, adding he could not imagine the U.S.

choosing between a strategic partnership with Turkey and a terrorist organisation. Yildirim further urged the U.S. to give Ankara's concerns attention at the highest levels. Earlier on Tuesday, ahead of an attempt to drive Daesh from Raqqah, the last Syrian city held by the terror group, the Pentagon announced that President Donald Trump had approved the arming of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Source: ANI