Sean Spicer evaded questions on Comey by ‘hiding in a bush’

Washington D.C. [U.S.A.], May 11 : When reports of the sacking of FBI director James Comey came out, the media turned to the White House and press secretary Sean Spicer for some much-needed answers.

In what can be termed as a sheer surprise, or shock, Spicer was found hiding in the bushes. According to a Washington Post report of the aftermath of Comey's sudden dismissal, Spicer "spent several minutes hidden in the bushes behind these sets, Janet Montesi, an executive assistant in the press office, emerged and told reporters that he would answer some questions, as long as he was not filmed doing so." "Spicer then emerged." The first question he was asked was if President Donald Trump had directed Deputy Attorney General Rod J.

Rosenstein to conduct a probe of FBI Director James B. Comey. Spicer said "Rosenstein was confirmed about two weeks ago and independently took on this issue so the President was not aware of the probe until he received a memo from Rosenstein on Tuesday, along with a letter from Attorney General Jeff Sessions recommending that Comey be fired." "Trump then swiftly decided to follow the recommendation, notifying the FBI via email around 5 p.m.

and in a letter delivered to the FBI by the president's longtime bodyguard. At the same time, the President personally called congressional leaders to let them know his decision.

Comey learned the news from media reports." Spicer also added he was not aware of any of Rosenstein's superiors who might have directed him to do this.

When asked why Comey wasn't given the news in a personal phone call, Spicer said, "I think we delivered it by hand and by email and that was - and I get it, but you asked me a question and that's the answer." The Washington Post report further says that after the session, "Spicer walked with his head down.

As he approached the door, aides warned reporters not to get too close. He then disappeared inside, enveloped by the warmly lit White House.".

Source: ANI