Cabinet okays MoUs with Iran on health, medicine, agriculture

New Delhi, March 14 : The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday cleared a number of MoUs with Iran in the fields of health, medicine and agriculture.

The Cabinet retrospectively gave its approval to the MoU with Iran in the field of health and medicine which covers training of doctors, regulation of pharmaceuticals, medical devices etc, medical research, new technologies and knowledge based initiatives among other things.

The MoU was signed last month during the visit of the Iranian President Hasan Rouhani to India.

The Cabinet also okayed another MoU with Iran to enhance bilateral cooperation in the field of traditional systems of medicine.

"This will be of immense importance to both countries considering their shared cultural heritage.

India is blessed with well-developed systems of traditional medicine including medicinal plants, which hold tremendous potential in the global health scenario," said an official statement.

"India and Iran share several common features in their language, culture and traditions and also share a common legacy of using herbal medicines.

Both countries are home to rare medicinal plants which are frequently used in traditional systems of medicine," it added.

Yet another MoU cleared by the Cabinet retrospectively on Wednesday pertains to agriculture and allied sectors.

The MoU was also signed last month during Rouhani's visit.

"The MoU provides for cooperation in the areas of agricultural crops, agricultural extension, horticulture, machinery, post harvest technology, plant quarantine measures, credit and cooperation," said a Cabinet release.

It also provides for cooperation in soil conservation and water management, integrated nutrients management, seed technology and agricultural marketing, it added.

"Livestock improvement, dairy development, animal health and other fields as mutually agreed upon fall within the scope of this MoU.

Cooperation will also be effected through exchange of experts, materials and information, exchange of trainees and scientists on study visits/training programmes, facilitation of relevant conferences and workshops and any other means as may be mutually agreed upon," the release said.

The MoU will be valid initially for a period of five years and will be automatically extended for a subsequent period of five years unless either party notifies the other party of its intent of terminating it, it said.



Source: IANS