With the recent approval from BMC’s end to chop off 2600 trees of Aarey Forest for the construction of the metro car shed, the residents of Mumbai have been on their toes to prevent this from happening. The celebrities have also been trying to not let this happen, with Shraddha Kapoor joining the people in the protests.
Now, Kangana Ranaut says that the metro can definitely wait but we cannot afford to cut down trees like that. She says we can find alternate options for the people living there but it is not the same when it comes to the animals. She rightly pointed out that we can’t keep cutting the trees down and make the city a concrete jungle. The Aarey forest plays an important role in providing oxygen to a major chunk of the highly populated city. When the actress was asked if she would appeal to her colleagues to do the same, she said the emotion has to come from their hearts, if one does not feel strongly about it then nothing can be done.
Kangana Ranaut will next be seen playing the protagonist’s role in the Jayalalithaa biopic.
Also Read: Photos: Shraddha Kapoor stands tall in protest to protect the trees of Aarey forest