Abhishek Nigam: My dog ‘Wasooli’ the best thing to happen to us last year

Mumbai, April 17 : Actor Abhishek Nigam says his pet dog helped him retain sanity during lockdown. The dog Wasooli is a shih-tzu, and Abhishek brought him home last year, just before the pandemic set in.

"I think we got him right before the Covid crisis came.

During the lockdown, he has been just the best thing ever that happened to us. We stayed unaffected mentally only because of him. He kept us all entertained and grateful all the time," the actor told IANS.

Abhishek says Wasooli loves to play all the time.

"He is fun, and a bundle of energy, and he enjoys playing all the time," said the actor.

While lockdown has affected humans, the actor says the little dog is unaffected by and doesn't miss going out.

" Wasooli, luckily, didn't adapt to the habit of a walking routine.

He plays and does all the physical activities in the house as he is too small. He keeps running here and there all the time," says Abhishek, who is seen in the show "Hero: Gayab Mode On".



Source: IANS