Activists hang ‘Refugees Welcome’ banner on Statue of Liberty

New York [USA], Feb. 23: A banner, reading "Refugees Welcome," was unfurled atop the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. According to CNN, though National Park Service rangers quickly removed the sign, images of the same took social media by storm.

The banner, reportedly measuring about three feet by 20 feet, was affixed by nylon rope to the wall of the public observation deck at the base of the statue.

However, attaching banners to national monuments is prohibited. A social media account 'Alt Statue of Liberty', who claimed responsibility for the stunt, said, "We have no formal group -- just private citizens who felt like we needed to say something about the America we believe in." The group also took to Twitter, posting the image with a caption, "We must heed the words of Lady Liberty: #RefugeesWelcome" On a related note, the U.S President Donald Trump is expected to sign a new executive order in the name of protecting America from foreign terror networks.

His first order banned immigration of citizens from seven majority Muslim countries, which was blocked in a federal court last month.

Source: ANI