Kriti Sanon, who has created a niche for herself in Bollywood with her girl-next-door image, will now be representing India on a global level with her presence at New York Fashion Week. Kriti will be attending New York Fashion Week for the show of iconic heritage brand COACH. The actress is exhilarated to be a part of a globally renowned event where the stalwarts of the fashion industry come together is truly exhilarating and represent the country internationally.
Speaking about the show, Kriti says, " I am looking forward to the trends that will be showcased on the runway as well as the creativity that these designers bring to the table. New York is one of the most cosmopolitan cities that brings together high- fashion and luxury to create styles which will be in vogue for the long run."
On the work front, Kriti Sanon will be next starring Dinesh Vijan's Mimi alongside Pankaj Tripathi. The film is helmed by Laxman Utekar and is an adaptation of Marathi film, Mala Aai Vhhyachay.