Ajay Devgn’s next film, Maidaan based on the golden years of Indian Football, wrapped its first schedule in Mumbai on Wednesday. The film tells the story of a man who was an underdog and took football to another level. The second schedule will also be in Mumbai and is expected to begin later this month.
Maidaan also stars this year’s National award winner Keerthi Suresh and Gajraj Rao. The film is expected to be released in 2020. The film is directed by Amit Sharma who achieved fame with his second feature film Badhaai Ho, which got a National Award this year.
The film is presented by Zee Studios and Boney Kapoor. Maidaan is produced by Boney Kapoor, Akash Chawla and Arunava Joy Sengupta. The screenplay and dialogues are written by Saiwyn Quadros and Ritesh Shah respectively.
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