There is plenty reason to celebrate Ranbir Kapoor’s 38th birthday with fanfare. And sure enough Ranbir’s better-half Alia Bhatt has big plans for 28 September when Ranbir turns a year older. Sources say Alia has reason for a double celebration. “It’s not just Ranbir’s birthday but also a second birth for his dad Rishi Kapoor.”
Rishi Kapoor, who had been undergoing medical treatment in the US for a serious ailment, returned to India on September 11. Since then there have been talks of a celebration. “Ranbir and Alia decided to combine the two birthdays, Ranbir’s and the new birth of his Dad into one celebration,” says the source.
While the details of the big bash are still being worked out we can tell you the guest list would comprise the who’s who of the film industry. But what we want to know is if Alia’s current favourite and Ranbir’s once-favourite Sanjay Leela Bhansali would grace the occasion.
Of late Alia has been seen visiting the Bhansali residence quite often although their collaborative project Inshallah is on hold for now.