Amazon to add Pakistan to its approved sellers’ list

Islamabad, May 8 : US e-commerce giant Amazon has approved to add Pakistan to its approved sellers' list, a development that is being seen as a major boost to the countrys e-commerce industry.

As per details, Amazon's sellers' list will create opportunities for the exporters to sell their products through the platform, giving them access to market their products through the 3P model, which brands the owners with a third party relationship to retail sell directly to buyers through the marketplace.

Amazon also offers the 1P model for mass producers, who want to produce for Amazon brand items.

The opportunity gives way to various Pakistani companies and brands, which have been selling their products through their overseas offices.

The inclusion of Pakistan in the Amazon seller's list will help promote more businesses and online buyers to reach the Pakistani brands.

Pakistan Commerce Minister Razak Dawood announced the news through a series of tweets.

"We have finally made it. @amazonwill be adding Pakistan to its Sellers' List within a few days. We have been engaged with Amazon since last year and now it's happening. It is a great opportunity for our youth, SMEs and women entrepreneurs," he said in a tweet.

Details revealed that Amazon will be opening sellers' registration of Pakistani companies in the coming days.

Experts said that Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business and Customers (B2B2C) cross-border e-commerce models are the new forms of business that will gain popularity in Pakistan.

Pakistan's major products, currently available on sale on Amazon by companies operating from overseas offices, include textile, sports, leather and surgical goods.

Working towards making full use of the opportunity, Pakistan Post has started its automation process and is preparing itself for the delivery system.

Moreover, the Intellectual Property Organisation has also been taken on board to speed up the brand registration process.

The development has been welcomed by Prime Minister Imran Khan, who said the opportunity will open gateways for the youth, and new breed of young men and women entrepreneurs to join the export market.

"A great development as Amazon has finally approved that our sellers can export their goods through their system.

Amazon starting operations in Pak will open opportunities for our youth as it will enable a new breed of young men (and) women entrepreneurs to join the export market," he tweeted.



Source: IANS