Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who has been completing several projects back to back, was recently rushed to the hospital for liver treatment. As per reports, Big B was admitted to a Mumbai hospital at 2 am on Tuesday for his liver ailment. He has been in the hospital for the past three days and getting the required treatment. Only his family is visiting him.
In 1982, Amitabh Bachchan contracted Hepatitis B due to which 75 per cent of his liver lost its functioning.
But, hospitalization hasn't stopped the actor from keeping his social media updated. Yesterday, he updated his twitter twice on the occasion of Karva Chauth. He wrote two sweet messages for his wife Jaya Bachchan.
T 3521 - WAH .. !!????????
“खूबसूरती का मुकाबला आज अपने पूरे शबाब पर था,
आज एक चांद दूसरे चांद के इन्तजार में था” ~ Ef PAKarva chauth ki shubhkamanayein .. unhein jo pran karti hain pati ki jeevan ke liye
करवाचौथ की शुभकामनाएँ ; उन्हें ,जो प्रण करती हैं पति के जीवन के लिए— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) October 17, 2019
T 3520 - .. the better half .. !! ????
quite obviously the other half is irrelevant .. and therefore unseen ????????????— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) October 17, 2019
Meanwhile, on the work front, Amitabh Bachchan has three releases next year - Chehre, Gulabo Sitabo and Brahmastra.