New Delhi, March 20 : Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Friday said people in Spain and Italy -- the countries under lockdown due to coronavirus -- are thanking the health workers by clapping together through the doors and windows of their homes.
"In Spain and Italy, people are thanking the health workers who are helping to fight corona by clapping together through the doors and windows of their homes," Sisodia tweeted in Hindi, sharing a news article.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday had urged people to do a similar thing on Sunday.
"At 5 p.m.
on March 22 , we should stand on our doorways, balconies and windows and clap our hands as well as ring bells for five minutes," Modi said in his address to the nation on coronavirus.
He said the act will be a salute to those serving the nation tirelessly to combat COVID-19.
The total number of positive coronavirus cases in India is inching to the 200-mark.
Source: IANS