Bhumi Pednekar will next be seen in Pati Patni Aur Woh and Saand Ki Aankh and the trailer launch for the same has been slated for today. With a very heavy heart, Bhumi Pednekar informed her fans that her maternal grandfather has passed away and the actress is grateful for all the lessons he taught her. While she is glad that he is resting with the love of his life, her maternal grandmother, the void remains.
She took to her Instagram to share a heartfelt message that read, “I remember I used to tell you as a kid that “nana I will pick you up, the way you pick me up”, a story you very fondly told everyone always ♥ Today, I think of you and all the love you’ve given us all - The summers & winters in Jaipur, where we used to look at your Army uniform and ask you stories of how you got that bullet mark, where the little joys of simply eating a fruit plucked from the garden or the customary evening in your room with everyone and chai, filled us all with the utmost joy. Thank you Nana & Nani for giving me the best childhood one could ever ask for ???? You will always be with us, your memories are deeply etched in our minds and I will share all your stories with the generations to come ♥ Nana you’re now with the love of your life. May your soul rest in peace Nanaji. My life is dedicated you and nani ???? Maj. Dayachand Hooda 22.9.2019 & Eternity ???? #ForeverMine”
Take a look at the picture she shared.
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Bhumi will also be seen in Bala, Takht, and Bhoot: Part One – The Haunted Ship.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar joins hands with Afroz Shah for Versova Beach Cleanup