Salman Khan is all set to back on Indian TV screens with the premiere of the new season of Bigg Boss. The actor has been sharing exciting promos and building up the excitement amongst the fans about the new season which will be shorter than the previous ones. Now, we know that who all will be participating in Bigg Boss 13.
The list of the celebrities include boxer Vijender Singh, Saath Nibhana Saathiya’s Devoleena Bhattacharya, Rajpal Yadav, CID’s Dayanand Shetty, rumoured couple Siddharth Shukla and Rashmi Desai, Mahika Sharma, Meghna Malik, Pavitra Punia and Aarti Singh.
This past weekend, the channel unveiled a new promo in which Salman Khan is cooking in the kitchen. Along with the promo, the launch date was announced. The reality show will air starting September 29. Sharing the promo, Colors TV wrote on their Instagram handle, "#BiggBoss13 aa gaya hai parosne mad manoranjan!???? Dekhna na bhoole, #FirstDayFirstShow with @BeingSalmanKhan starting 29th September, 9 PM and Mon-Fri,10:30 PM. @Vivo_India #BB13 #SalmanKhan #BiggBoss Anytime on @voot.” The show will air from Monday to Friday at 10:30 pm.