Bill Gates receives first dose of Covid vax

San Francisco, Jan 25 : Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates, who has been a target of conspiracy theorists for his push for vaccinations, has received the first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

"One of the benefits of being 65 is that I'm eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine.

I got my first dose this week, and I feel great," Gates said in a tweet over the weekend.

"Thank you to all of the scientists, trial participants, regulators, and frontline healthcare workers who got us to this point," he said.

The Microsoft co-founder has been a top target of conspiracy theories related to the Covid-19, falsely linking him to the origin of the pandemic in one way or another.

The billionaire called the allegations "bizarre."

The Seattle-headquartered Bill (and) Melinda Gates Foundation in December announced that it will offer an additional (Dollar) 250 million to fund the research, development and equitable delivery of tools for Covid-19 tests, treatments and vaccines.

"We have new drugs and more potential vaccines than we could have expected at the start of the year.

But these innovations will only save lives if they get out into the world," Gates said in a statement.

The total commitment by Gates Foundation in its global fight against the pandemic totalled (Dollar) 1.75 billion taking into account the latest commitment.



Source: IANS