BLK-Max Hospital to install in-house oxygen generator

New Delhi, May 2 : In a bid to fight the current crisis of Coronavirus-induced oxygen shortage, BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital on Sunday announced that it will install an oxygen generator and a high-pressure cylinder filling system that was donated by the France government.

The Oxygen Generator -- manufactured by NOVAIR Medical -- and cylinder filling system -- manufactured by Oxyplus Technologies -- has a total capacity of generating 22 cubic metre of oxygen every hour.

It will be installed and commissioned at the hospitals over the next 72 hours.

The initiative will help provide approximately 15 per cent additional back-up to the existing medical oxygen demand at the hospital in the form of a continuous feed.

"We are thankful to the Government of France for providing us critical support at a time when India is facing the worst of the pandemic.

This generous donation stands testimony of the Indo-France cooperation during this time of crisis," said Dr Abhay Soi, Chairman and MD, Max Healthcare in a statement.

The installation of the systems will help BLK-Max hospital manage its oxygen requirements better, particularly in this time of severe oxygen shortages.

The system will also be used as back-up support to its normal oxygen supplies.



Source: IANS