New Delhi, Feb 8 : The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved changes in the Major Port Authorities Bill 2016, including authorising the central government to remove the presiding officer or any member of the Adjudicatory Board from the office.
Among other changes approved at the Cabinet meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, included a proposal to increase the number of labour representatives -- to be appointed in the Port Authority Board from among the serving employees of the port -- from one to two.
"The member representing the interests of the employees shall hold office for a term of three years and shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms and his Board membership is co-terminus with his retirement," an official statement said.
"The number of Independent Members in the Port Authority Board would be minimum two and maximum four.
Every person receiving any retirement benefit from the Board of Trustees under the Major Port Trust Act, 1963, immediately before such date, shall continue to receive the same benefit from the Board."
The Presiding Officer and members of the Adjudicatory Board would be appointed by the central government on the recommendations of the Selection Committee, the statement added.
Source: IANS