Clip of joey rescue wows Instagram users

Braidwood (New South Wales), Jan 7 : An Australian firefighter's rescue of a kangaroo joey and his appeal for help to the fire survivors won him praise after he posted the clip on Instagram.

The firefighter posted the rescue clip and wrote: "Australia is on fire! 500 million animals have been killed.

I saved this little baby kangaroo that was left by itself! This is heartbreaking. 10 million acres burned. Please spread. Please donate. We need your help!"

The post got 244,808 views on Instagram.

One user remarked: "You are a hero! Sending you all the love and prayers from The Netherlands."

"Thank you so much Sam, for what you're doing," said another netizen.

"Doing a great job", "Aw man, you absolute hero", "You beautiful soul!", "Omg, this is lovely", and "God bless you and thank you a trillion times" were some other remarks from Instagram users.

"OMG! This poor baby, I hope this little joey survives without its mom.

Praying for all first responders, volunteers and all those who are putting themselves in harm's way to save others.


"How amazing are you. My heart is broken after watching this and what is happening in Australia," read one post.



Source: IANS